Simple Test

Tests are functions, marked with the #[test] attribute. They are not included into the compiled program, and are only used for testing purposes.

module examples::simple_tests {

    /// A point in 2D space. Has an `x` and `y` coordinate.
    public struct Point has copy, drop {
        x: u8,
        y: u8,

    /// Create a point.
    public fun new(x: u8, y: u8): Point { Point { x, y } }

    /// Move a point to a new location.
    public fun move_xy(p: &mut Point, x: u8, y: u8) {
        p.x = x;
        p.y = y;

    /// Get the x coordinate of a point.
    public fun x(p: &Point): u8 { p.x }

    /// Get the y coordinate of a point.
    public fun y(p: &Point): u8 { p.y }

    // The function marked with `#[test]` is a test. The name of the function
    // will be shown in the test output, so it should be descriptive.
    // The function doesn't take any arguments, and doesn't return anything.
    fun test_point_new_and_move() {
        let mut p1 = new(1, 2);

        // normally, a test should contain correctness assertions
        assert!(x(&p1) == 1, 0);
        assert!(y(&p1) == 2, 1);

        move_xy(&mut p1, 3, 4);

        // while not a requirement, abort codes should be unique,
        // it's easier to debug when they are
        assert!(x(&p1) == 3, 2);
        assert!(y(&p1) == 4, 3);