
Every Move package has a package manifest in the form of a Move.toml file - it is placed in the root of the package. The manifest itself contains a number of sections, primary of which are:

  • [package] - includes package metadata such as name and author
  • [dependencies] - specifies dependencies of the project
  • [addresses] - address aliases (eg @examples will be treated as a 0x0 address)
name = "examples"

# edition = "2024.alpha" # To use the Move 2024 edition, currently in alpha
# license = ""           # e.g., "MIT", "GPL", "Apache 2.0"
# authors = ["..."]      # e.g., ["Joe Smith ([email protected])", "John Snow ([email protected])"]

Sui = { git = "", subdir = "crates/sui-framework/packages/sui-framework", rev = "framework/mainnet" }

# For remote import, use the `{ git = "...", subdir = "...", rev = "..." }`.
# Revision can be a branch, a tag, and a commit hash.
# MyRemotePackage = { git = "https://some.remote/host.git", subdir = "remote/path", rev = "main" }

# For local dependencies use `local = path`. Path is relative to the package root
# Local = { local = "../path/to" }

# To resolve a version conflict and force a specific version for dependency
# override use `override = true`
# Override = { local = "../conflicting/version", override = true }

examples = "0x0"

# Named addresses will be accessible in Move as `@name`. They're also exported:
# for example, `std = "0x1"` is exported by the Standard Library.
# alice = "0xA11CE"

# The dev-dependencies section allows overriding dependencies for `--test` and
# `--dev` modes. You can introduce test-only dependencies here.
# Local = { local = "../path/to/dev-build" }

# The dev-addresses section allows overwriting named addresses for the `--test`
# and `--dev` modes.
# alice = "0xB0B"

Stdlib and Sui Framework

The Sui dependency adds two addresses to the package:

  • std = 0x1 - address of the standard library
  • sui = 0x2 - address of the Sui Framework

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